What does finding a Feather on the beach mean?
You are being guided to release something back to the Universe that wasn’t yours in the first place. Was there a situation that you took control of that you should have stepped back from? Have you felt that you are no longer needed, so have created a situation where people need your advice, your energy, your finances?
It is time to let go and let God. Allow the Universe to guide you, have faith, trust and patience. You are loved and needed. Allow the Universe to show you the way. Breathe and just let go.
To understand the full message be sure to read Physical & Spiritual Meaning of Feathers Post first.
What does it mean when you find a Feather?
What does it mean when you see a Feather falling in front of you?
Do Feathers have healing powers?
Whether you have been walking on your spiritual path for eons of time or just stepped forward, the information received was out of a need, and urge to learn more about what feathers mean, and why they sometimes magically appear.
Are they here to teach us something about ourselves?
Can feathers hold messages for us, that can unlock healing and change?
Can they help with creativity and bring messages from beyond time and space?
I believe they can.
I believe they do.
And by the end of this book, you will too.